Answer of pedagogy of mathematics questions
आप सब ने जो पिछला ब्लॉग पढ़ा उसमे गणित के सिर्फ प्रश्नों का संग्रह था । आज इस ब्लॉग में आप को उन्हीं प्रश्नों के उत्तर मिलेंगें । आपको प्रश्नों के उत्तरों के साथ साथ उनका विवरण भी मिलेगा ।
अगले ब्लॉग पब्लिश होने तक पढ़ते रहिये आपका अपना ब्लॉग institute of ankit sharma
1. Ans. C.
According to NCF 2005, school
mathematics takes place in a
situation where student learn to
enjoy mathematics. Mathematics as
something to talks about, pose and
solve meaningful problems that is a
place where mathematics is a part of
children’s life experience. It develops
training of reasoning, thinking,
discipline, self confidence and
emotions in students.
2. Ans. A.
The study of mathematics helps in
developing in a person the qualities
like truthfulness, honesty, justice,
reality, correctness, patience, self-
control, self-reliance, self-
confidence, punctuality, simplicity,
precision, firmness etc. These
qualities contribute in building and
developing the moral character of
3. Ans. B.
The culture of every nation or society
has its unique characteristics. The
history of mathematics presents the
image of culture of different nations.
Mathematics is developed according
to the requirement of human being
and helped him to overcome
difficulties in the way of his progress.
Thus, the prosperity and cultural
advancement of a society has been
considerably depended upon the
progress of mathematics. Hogben
has rightly stated that “Mathematics
is the mirror of civilization”
mathematics plays an important role
in shaping the culture.
4. Ans. C.
Regional college of Education Mysore
system and in brief as RCEM system.
This system assumes that mental
process plays important role in
human learning. In this system
objectives are written by using
mental abilities. RCEM system
classifies objectives into four forms
knowledge, understanding,
application and creativity. These four
objectives have been expressed by
17 mental abilities can be classified
into these 17 abilities.
5. Ans. C.
The students are following rotation
concept. Rotation is an example of
transformation that is used to
changing a figure. Three dimensional
shapes can be created by two
dimensional shapes by the process
rotation. For example, rotating the
half circle below around the line will
create a sphere.
6. Ans. D.
Logical thinking is a process in which
one uses reasoning consistently to
come to a conclusion, problems and
situation that involve logical thinking
call for structure. Logical thinking is
an important foundational skill of
7. Ans. B.
Marshall. H. Stone, an American
mathematician said, ”Mathematics is
the study of abstract system built of
abstract elements. These elements
are not described in concrete fashion.”
8. Ans. C.
It is widely acknowledged that more
than in any other subject
mathematics is the one that sees
great motivation and talent at all
stages. Mathematics needs much
9. Ans. A.
The national curriculum framework
2005 is one of the four national
curriculum frames published in 1975,
1988, 2000 and 2005 by NCERT in
India. The framework provides the
framework for making school syllabi,
textbooks and teaching practices
within the school education
programmes in India. NCF 2005
focused on learning without burden
to make learning a joyful experience
and move away from textbooks to be
a basis for examination and to
remove stress from children.
10. Ans. B.
Deductive method is discovered by
Inductive method is discovered by
David Hume
Project method is discovered by
William Heard Kilpatrick
Auto-instructional teaching is
discovered by B.F Skinner
11. Ans. C.
The primary grades are often
considered the most important years
of a child’s school career. In grades
K-5, students acquire content
knowledge that they will use as the
foundation for the rest of their
education. One of the most important
aims for students at this level is to
develop a positive attitude toward
mathematics. Students should
understand and appreciate the
functionality of mathematics. In
addition to valuing math, primary
school students need to be taught
how to use mathematics in their
everyday lives. They should be
exposed to all the uses of
mathematics, from counting out
change or telling time to use angles
in architecture or art. Therefore, the
importance of mathematics at
primary level is practical.
12. Ans. C.
A teacher should treat him like a
normal pupil so that he can't feel the
inferior complexity among the other
students in the classroom. According
to inclusive education, all students
should be treated equally. It rejects
but still provides the use of special
schools or classrooms to separate
students with disabilities from
students without disabilities.
13. Ans. C.
"ICT" is the Information and
Communication Technologies.
"ICT in Education" means "Teaching
and Learning with ICT".
Educational ICT tools can be divided
into 3 categories: Input source,
Output source and Others.
14. Ans. A.
Deduction is the process of drawing
logical inferences from established
facts or fundamental assumptions. It
may be defined as the process of
following network of relations which
bind truths together. In geometry,
the truths stated in the form of
theorems, can be proved by showing
that they are implied by other
theorems which have already been
proved, other definitions that have
been accepted.
15. Ans. D.
Children bring with them many
experiences, some related to their
learning outside school, some related
to their previous learning tasks.
Whenever they come across a new
task, they rely on their previous
learning and thus make
interpretations. At times, in
mathematics, these prior notions
may hinder the learning process
which result in misconceptions or
16. Ans. B.
Heuristic method was developed and
perfected by prof. H.E Armstrong.
According to him, Heuristic method is
the method of teaching which places
the students as far as possible in the
attitude of discovery.
17. Ans. B.
In group tutorial teaching, the
students of the class are divided into
some homogeneous groups on the
basis of their common learning
difficulties and identical weaknesses
or deficiencies in the acquisition of
the learning experiences in some or
the other areas or aspects of the
18. Ans. A.
Like other method heuristic method
also has a special place in
mathematics teaching. The word
heuristic is believed to be originated
from greek word “Heurisco” which
means “I find out” or “To discover”.
In this method, students work like a
researcher and solve the problems.
19. Ans. D.
Lecture method is a teacher centered
method. In this method the teacher
is an active participant and the child
is a passive learner. This is not a
psychological method. In this method
the teacher speaks or delivers a
lecture on a particular topic and the
children listen. It is one- way traffic
because the teacher gives ideas and
the children receive them. There are
three steps in the process of lecture
1. Planning by the teacher
2. Presentation by the teacher
3. Receiving by the learner
20. Ans. C.
As he knows the definition so we can
say he has good memory, but as he
can’t identify the same, it means he
has lack of concept. Hence, Option C
is correct.
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