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20 Most important pedagogy questions of mathematics for CTET 2020 in English

PEDAGOGY OF MATHEMATICS 1. As per the vision statement of NCF  2005, school mathematics takes  place in a situation where A. Students are forced to learn all  concepts by daily practice B. Teacher is an active narrator only C. Mathematics is part of children’s  life experience D. Memorize formulae only 2. “Mathematics helps to develops  qualities of cleanliness, punctuality,  honesty, self-confidence” this  statement related to which type of  mathematical values . A. Moral values B. Social values C. Cultural values D. Disciplinary values only 3. “Mathematics is the mirror of civilization” this statement corresponds to which value of mathematics? A. Social B. Cultural C. Disciplinary D. None of these 4. In RCEM system, four objectives are  classified in the form of: A. 5 mental abilities B. 4 mental abilities C. 17 mental abilities D. 3 mental abilities 5. A teacher in class 7th provided each  child with a centimeter grid paper  and ...