20 Most important pedagogy questions of mathematics for CTET 2020 in English


1. As per the vision statement of NCF 
2005, school mathematics takes 
place in a situation where
A. Students are forced to learn all 
concepts by daily practice
B. Teacher is an active narrator only
C. Mathematics is part of children’s 
life experience
D. Memorize formulae only
2. “Mathematics helps to develops 
qualities of cleanliness, punctuality, 
honesty, self-confidence” this 
statement related to which type of 
mathematical values.
A. Moral values
B. Social values
C. Cultural values
D. Disciplinary values only
3. “Mathematics is the mirror of
civilization” this statement
corresponds to which value of
A. Social B. Cultural
C. Disciplinary D. None of these
4. In RCEM system, four objectives are 
classified in the form of:
A. 5 mental abilities
B. 4 mental abilities
C. 17 mental abilities
D. 3 mental abilities
5. A teacher in class 7th provided each 
child with a centimeter grid paper 
and a pair of scissors. She wanted to 
teach them to explore how two 
dimensions shapes can be folded into 
three dimensional objects. Which of 
the following concepts are the 
students exploring:
A. Reflection B. Decimals
C. Rotation D. All of these
6. Which of the following statements 
proves mathematics to be a logical 
and scientific subject?
A. The philosophy of mathematics is 
concerned with the role of language 
and logic in proofs.
B. The language and tools of 
mathematics are used by other 
scientist especially. physicists and 
computer scientists.
C. Like other scientific subjects, 
mathematics requires evidences to 
prove the claims.
D. All of the above.
7. Who said, "Mathematics is the study 
of abstract system built of abstract 
elements. These elements are not 
described in concrete fashion.”
A. Einstein
B. Marshall. H. Stone
C. Bertrand Russell
D. Locke
8. What kind of problems can a 
mathematics teacher face while 
teaching the mathematics subject?
A. Although mathematics carries 
great importance in the curriculum, 
certain students find it as an 
uninteresting subject
B. Mathematics is a kind of subject 
which requires a great deal of 
teaching preparation, lack of which 
can lead to a failure.
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of these
9. NCERT text books on Mathematics 
are written keeping in mind the 
recommendations of
A. National curriculum framework 
B. Syllabus provided by CBSE in
C. National policy on education1986
D. National policy on education1968
10. Match List-1 with List- 2 and select 
the correct answer using the codes 
given below the lists.
A. P-3; Q-2; R-4; S-1
B. P-2; Q-3; R-4; S-1
C. P-4; Q-3; R-2; S-1
D. P-2; Q-4; R-1; S-3
11. The importance of mathematics at 
primary level is
A. cultural B. mental
C. practical D. religious
12. Kumar belongs to a very poor and 
conservative family, what teacher 
can do to help him?
A. A special school and classes may 
be opened for him
B. Special training may be given to 
the teacher
C. He should be treated as a normal 
D. He should be sympathized
13. Following ICT tool can be effectively 
used for exploratory tasks in 
geometry class
A. Geo-gebra software
B. Calculator
C. Video links
D. Cartoon strip software
14. The most common way of proving in 
geometry is
A. Inductive method
B. Deductive method
C. Proof by contradiction
D. Proof by counterexamples
15. One of the major reasons for errors 
in mathematics is due to
A. Hierarchical nature of the subject
B. Absenteeism of students
C. Lack of teaching resources
D. Prior notion
16. Heuristic method was propounded 
A. A. W.Young B. H.E Armstrong
C. Jojeph landon D. Stevenson
17. When the students of the class are 
divided into some homogeneous
groups, it is called ___
A. Class teaching
B. Group tutorial teaching
C. Individual tutorial teaching
D. Informal teaching
18. Directions: Answer the following 
questions by selecting the most 
appropriate option.
Meaning of the word ‘Heurisco’ is__
A. To discover B. To learn
C. To think D. To know
19. Directions: Answer the following 
questions by selecting the most 
appropriate option.
The step of lecture method is__
A. Planning
B. Presentation
C. Receiving
D. All of the above
20. Teacher conducted an oral 
assessment in class and found that 
Harish can speak definition of all 
type of numbers - odd, even, prime
and composite accurately but not 
able to identify the numbers 
accurately, when given a set of 
numbers. Teacher reports that 
A. has good memory, but lacks 
B. has good memory, but lacks 
C. has good memory, but lacks 
conceptual understanding
D. has good memory, but lacks 
analytical ability

इन 20 महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्नों के उत्तर (answer) जानने के लिए हमारे टेलीग्राम चैनल Best study notes को जॉइन करें ।
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उत्तर प्रदेश में सरकारी नौकरी के लिए देना होगा TET की तरह PET ।

Most Important Evs question NCERT based part -3